1Move ul. Morelowa 5/30 NIP: 5833168039 |
Mariusz Sucharzewski |
Kamil Sokołowski |
full contact |
Location ul. Parkowa |
Set type Street Workout |
In the Municipal Park in Ostrołęka, we have realized an unusual street workout space with a small set of workouts and two independent towers. The whole is complemented by low handrails. Despite only few excercise stations, such a system gives great comfort to users who do not interfere with each other while working out. Noteworthy is an example of a triangular tower, one of the arms of which is a stand with a rope for chin-up.
1Move ul. Morelowa 5/30 NIP: 5833168039 |
Mariusz Sucharzewski |
Kamil Sokołowski |
full contact |